Italy: Government Decree Law provides subsidies for SMEs to buy new equipment

Italy: Government Decree Law provides subsidies for SMEs to buy new equipment

Recent Decree Law 69/2013 (better known to Italians as ‘Decreto del fare’ or ‘Let’s get going’ Decree) allocated € 2.5 billion to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness through subsidized loans and grants. Funds are available for SMEs to purchase new equipment and machinery, including through leasing contracts, for their production activities,.

Grants and loans – paid out directly to SMEs through banking institutions in the framework of a specific agreement – may be granted until 31 December 2016 with a maximum duration of 5 years and a ceiling of € 2 million per company. Funds may cover up to  100% of costs.

Great anticipation now for the regulations to be released soon by the Ministry for Economic Development, defining operating measures for the implementation of the Decree Law (access conditions, delivery methods, control and monitoring activities, etc.).